In Most communities in Africa, Girl education is looked at as a minor case; Girls stand a higher risk of being married off at a tender age simply because some cultures believe education is only meant for the boys. With all that in mind, alongside the increasing levels of poverty, even some who may be willing to educate their girls are unable to keep them in school due of lack of school fees, and they end up giving them up for marriage at a young age. We have learnt that Education isn’t just important for a brighter future, it’s critical to their survival. Yet, girls often drop out of school simply because they can’t afford feminine hygiene products and some basic needs.

Their lack of education leads to vulnerability, Vulnerability leads to unwanted pregnancies, sexual abuse, HIV, early marriage and a life of no choices. At Sanyuka, we believe that every girl matters and has a right to stay in school that is why we are working alongside local schools in Uganda to reduce the dropout rate by providing sanitary products, teaching girls their value in Christ, Godly sexual education, and igniting their passion for education. When girls get education, it plays a very important role in breaking the cycle of poverty. They stand a better chance of growing into empowered women who transform their communities and the nation at large and then Everybody wins!